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Traditional Chinese Medicine

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of medicine that dates back thousands of years and operates on the principle that the presenting symptoms are a reflection of imbalances.  TCM has the ability to unite the mind, body and spirit, thus bringing balance back to the body.  There are many modalities of TCM including acupuncture, electroacupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, and gua sha.  

What to Expect

We will spend the first part of your visit reviewing your symptoms and history. 


Then I will assess your tongue and pulse.  In Chinese Medicine, we evaluate the tongue and pulses to glean information about your internal health. This is an important step in choosing the proper treatment protocol.  I may also perform general physical exams when necessary and indicated. 


Once I have gathered the necessary information to determine the best protocol for your case, I will review with you the general locations of points that will be needled.  Needling may take place in the hands, feet, ears, head, and various other areas of the body.  If I plan to incorporate any other therapies, I will review those with you before starting. 


Your Treatment: 

  • We play gentle music in the background, please let us know if you prefer silence.

  • Needling is typically not painful, though everyone is different. You may experience a dull ache, throbbing, or tingling sensation- these are all normal reactions.  If at any point you are too uncomfortable, just let us know and we will adapt your treatment. We can even start with acupressure if you prefer. 

  • The needles are left in place for 15-25 minutes on average. I will leave the room while the needles are in place to allow you to relax, but will be close by if you need anything. 

  • If cupping or gua sha are incorporated, there may be redness/discoloration of the skin- this is a temporary reaction and typically clears in 1-7 days.  

  • Electroacupuncture is a type of acupuncture in which a gentle electric current is passed between 2 needles. Electroacupuncture is contraindicated in patients who are pregnant, experience seizures or epilepsy, or have a history of stroke or heart disease.  Patients with pacemakers should also not receive electroacupuncture.

  • Some people nap, meditate, or just practice deep breathing during their treatment.  

  • A treatment plan will be developed after the initial visit to determine how many acupuncture sessions are appropriate for your specific needs.


How to prepare for your appointment: 

  • Come hydrated. Don't worry, we'll give you a chance to pee before getting started 🙂

  • Avoid coffee/stimulants before treatment. 

  • Leave jewelry at home or expect to remove during treatment. 

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing so we can access acupuncture points more easily. 


What to do after treatment: 

  • Resting is usually the best option. 

  • Avoid going to the gym or doing a high-intensity workout.  Yoga, gentle walking, etc is fine.  

  • Drink plenty of water after treatment, especially if undergoing cupping treatment as well.  

  • Consider taking a gentle bath with essential oils and/or Epson salts. 

Acupuncture Service Fees

New Patient Acupuncture Intake: $250 ($50 deposit required, includes first treatment)


Acupuncture Follow Up Visits

Cupping Only: $75

30 Min Acupuncture Session: $100

60 Min Acupuncture Session: $150

     Package of 3-60 minute treatments: $325 ($125 savings!)


You can find a more complete list of service fees HERE


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